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Got a burning question? If you can't find the answer you're looking for simply

email us via the contact form and we will do our best to answer your query

How do I book a free trial?

Simply email us via the contact form with your preferred location and class time and we can check availability for you

What materials do I need at home to join in online?

You can get involved with basic art materials such as paper, sketch pencils and felt tips or oil pastels. For painting,  a set of paintbrushes and paints (either watercolour or acrylic) is desirable.  For collage, access to old magazines/ newspapers,  scissors and a gluestick.  


What if I get Covid?

Please let us know if your child tests positive so we can follow government guidelines accordingly. 

How many kids are in each class?

We have a maximum of 16 children per class with 2 teachers.

How many kids are in each class?

We have a maximum of 16 children per class with 2 teachers.


Do you offer drop in classes?

No, all term time classes are all bookable per term or pro rata if your child joins part way through the term. Only our online Lates and Friends & Family sessions are available to book adhoc.

Do you offer sibling discount?

Yes! We offer 10% discount. 

Can I get a refund?

Generally all courses and classes are non-refundable due to cost of art supplies, resources,  studio hire fees and class preparation time. However if we are able to fill the space we will offer a refund or credit towards a future booking.

Do you offer private tuition?

Yes, please get in contact via email for more info and availability

How do I get paint out of school uniform?

Most of the materials we use are water based and will come out in a normal wash.  However, from time to time we do use acrylics and these can stain, try alcohol rub, vanish or scraping gently before your normal wash.


Can I do a make up class if I'm ill?

If your child is ill on their class day they are welcome to make up the session in our weekly afterschool zoom on Thursdays. Please email us for details

How old does my child have to be to start?

Our classes are suitable for all primary school children aged five upwards.  Four years olds are welcome to come for a trial session in the term they are turning five.

What should my child bring to class?

All you need to bring is an old t-shirt or apron to wear over normal clothes/ uniform or wear clothes you don’t mind getting messy in. Once booked onto the term they will receive a sketchbook which they will need to bring every week.

Do I need to bring any art materials?

No, We provide all high-quality art materials necessary for the classes. All they need to bring is their sketchbook each week, (provided at beginning of term)

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